| MES' Study Centre | | MESCO Zakat Appeal | | The Legacy of Dedication | | . Nursery Lottery for Crescent English High School | | ECCED Handbill 2023 | | Principal Advertisement for Radiant School | | MKCL Authorized Learning Centre | | 80G Benefits | | Obituary | | Usage of Interest Money | | Nursery Sponsorship Appeal | | MESCO Old Newspaper Scheme | | CSR Initiative | | Payroll Appeal | | Radio One (94.3) Interview on MESCO |
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MESCO Education Society’s logo portrays the spirit of the Organization for empowering Society with men and women of integrity and character, through holistic education and skill training, to face challenges of the Modern World as responsible citizens. The oval shape resembles an egg symbolizing awakening. This means that MESCO EDUCATION SOCIETY intends to provide quality education to generation after generation. The torch in the logo depicts the intention of the organization to enlighten hearts of the students with the flame of Education. The blue colour in the logo is like the blue colour of the sky, signifying hope and future for the generations to come. The sky is blue and also infinite. Thus blue in the logo also means the organization provides students with endless opportunities to achieve their goals. The book, computer, apparatus, spanner and microscope show conventional and non-conventional education methodology of the organization.
The Trustees of MESCO Education Society are pleased to acknowledge the spirit of support and co-operation indicated by the following CSR Partners
🙏Welcome to MES Vocational Training Centre Help Desk.
Vocational Training Centre provides practical education and training in specific trades or professions. These programs focus on developing skills needed for particular careers, often leading to certifications.