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MESCO (parent organization) started our work in the slums way back in the early seventies by providing volunteer based coaching support (free tuitions) to children going to regular schools including high schools. It was at this time that we realized that a lot of children who as per their ages, should have been in schools are loitering around and were still not enrolled in schools. Probing further we realized that there were several reasons, such as, no felt need that children needed to be enrolled at that age, low awareness of how schools operate, no facility near at hand, financial difficulty in paying fees were some of the common issues.
Over four decades back MESCO started its first Nursery school in the slums to circumvent the above issues; for almost ten years we had only one school and in the next decade we went upto three and for the last five years we have twelve schools. We started with no fees, but gradually introduced a nominal fee and till this day we have not been able to reach break even though efforts are on to reach self sufficiency over the next ten years.
In 2009, in order to keep all educational activities under one umbrella, that the Nursery School programme was transferred to MESCO Education Society. The Nursery Schools took up the brand name, MESCO Education Society’s ANGELS’ PARADISE NURSERY SCHOOLS.
The Trustees of MESCO Education Society are pleased to acknowledge the spirit of support and co-operation indicated by the following CSR Partners
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Vocational Training Centre provides practical education and training in specific trades or professions. These programs focus on developing skills needed for particular careers, often leading to certifications.