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MESCO EDUCATION SOCIETY is currently managing a chain of 11 English Medium Nursery Schools in the slum areas of Mumbai and suburbs. Children in the age group of 3 ½ years of age are the end beneficiaries of the programme. They come from nearby localities. The children from the lower and middle lower income group and slum dwellers are the main target. As we look back we estimate that over 10,000 students must have received their first schooling in one of our Nursery school premises. In fact some of the students who studied at one of our Nursery Schools are sending their children to our Nursery Schools.
The main purpose of running the Nursery Schools in slums is to get the admission of these students in good English Medium High Schools. More than 80% students of our Nursery Schools are getting admissions in good English Medium Schools of their respective areas.
The Trustees of MESCO Education Society are pleased to acknowledge the spirit of support and co-operation indicated by the following CSR Partners
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Vocational Training Centre provides practical education and training in specific trades or professions. These programs focus on developing skills needed for particular careers, often leading to certifications.